I’m so excited!

Yesterday Daddy came home from work early because Mommy had to go to the “big” ultrasound appointment! It took a really long time, but I had Mommy’s iPhone with lots of games and movies so I kept myself occupied with Daddy’s help.

When we were all looking at the pictures of the baby we saw that I am going to be getting a LITTLE SISTER! I am so excited! I can’t wait to show her stuff and do things to her Barbies!

I think Mommy is going to post pictures soon!

THEN because it was Mommy and Daddy’s 3rd Anniversary, we all went out to dinner at Ray’s Boathouse. It was so yummy. Daddy and I shared a cheese plate. I really liked it. I also like Ray’s fries. I tried Daddy’s scallops but I did not like those! I did like Mommy’s dessert, she had a big cup of caramel pudding. It was so yummy!

I had such a good day!
